


2023-4-22 Sharing Some Music

Paradise (Live) - Tengger#

I have heard many versions of Tengger's "Paradise," but this live version from Hunan TV's variety show "Singer 2018 Episode 7" is the most stunning I have heard so far.

Paradise (Live)
Paradise (Live)

Night Voyager - Bu Cai#

Night Voyager
Night Voyager
Bu Cai

I'm Sorry, I Love You - Long Fei Long Ze#

I'm Sorry, I Love You
I'm Sorry, I Love You
Long Fei Long Ze

Still Thinking of You 2023 - h3R3#

Still Thinking of You 2023
Still Thinking of You 2023

Under the Sea (Live) - Phoenix Legend#

Under the Sea (Live)
Under the Sea (Live)
Phoenix Legend

The "audio source & cover" of "Paradise (Live)" is collected from the internet, and the lyrics are sourced from "NetEase Cloud."
The "audio source & lyrics" of "Under the Sea (Live)" are sourced from "NetEase Cloud," and the cover is collected from the internet.
The "audio source, lyrics & cover" of the other three songs are all sourced from "NetEase Cloud."
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